the HouSe
A Christian community in Valby
Being a Christian is not about following a religion or a theology, it´s about following a person (Jesus) - with others.
We are a group of people from different cultures, age groups and backgrounds who strive to live an authentic faith in an authentic Christian community and who seek to follow Jesus together. We take His life and teaching seriously and strive for a life in His love, in His footsteps and in His grace. We seek to love God, love people and awaken a movement.
Our goal is to equip as many Christians as possible to go out with the gospel, help people believe and make disciples, and help them start new house churches and equip new disciples. Read more about training here
If you are passionate about being involved in the start-up of a discipleship movement, or if you would like to hear more, we would love to hear from you. Read more HERE
We now meet in several private homes in Copenhagen and we seek to spread the message to all parts of the city and the whole country, making disciples and starting new house churches. We strive to start a Discipleship movement. Read more here: What is a discipleship movement?
On the FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAY of every month at 16:00 we all gather for common worship, inspiration and vision.
You are welcome to connect with us whether you are new, mature or undecided in the faith. Write to us in the chat or contact us in other ways HERE