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What i a disciplemaking movement?

A DMM (disciple-making movement) is a strategy for reaching people with the Gospel, based on the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.


Traditionally, a missionary would be responsible for going out into their community to evangelize daily, disciple as many people as possible, start churches and pray that something would stick.

It put a lot of pressure on the missionary, who was solely responsible for the spiritual well-being of all their disciples. It also greatly limited the reach of the gospel because it could only travel as fast as the missionary could!

DMM Approach

However, DMMs can move much faster because it removes the missionary as the sole disciple maker.


With a DMM, a missionary finds a person of peace in their community. They start a group with the Person of Peace and their friends and family. These groups are self-led (meaning the missionary does not need to be involved regularly) through Discovery Bible Studies, where group members are constantly encouraged to share what they learn with their own friends and family.

Eventually, each group member will go out and start their own group, then each of those members will start their own groups, and the cycle continues, multiplying the number of disciples exponentially.

With this strategy, you will potentially be able to reach people from many different cultures and  population groups, something that will be almost impossible for a single missionary under the old system!


It is important to note that not every DMM starts or progresses in the same way. These movements tend to be messy and may look different depending on the culture and country of implementation. However, this is the textbook structure for DMMs.) Needless to say, God is doing great things through DMMs!



DMMs have proven to be extremely effective across the globe. Over 100 million people have now come to faith in a discipleship movement where ordinary people make others disciples and start house churches that start other house churches. This has all happened in exponentially increasing numbers within the last few decades. Praise God for the greatest revival in world history. We ask him that we may also be part of this revival here in Copenhagen.

Read more about the development os DMM aroud the world

Source: Based on information foud on:

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